Dear daughter,

Sweet girl,

This morning you came to me and told me you didn’t want to wear your favorite blue dress to church. When I asked you why in the world not, your reply broke me. I wasn’t ready for this talk with you, but alas, I had no choice but to sit you down and explain the reality that is this world.

Your answer of, “But what if they laugh at me. I’m not pretty” had me choking on my breath. You think you’re not pretty? How can that be? Your sparkling eyes and your honey-blonde hair make all the moms jealous. So the boy at the playground threw sand at you and told you you weren’t pretty?

Pretty isn’t the length of your hair. Nor is it the clothes you wear, the color of your eyes, the freckles on your face. What makes you beyond beautiful goes so much deeper than that. I’ve forgotten how cruel the world can be to little ones. But dear one, don’t you be afraid. Because even though you’ve got the genes I long for, I want you to know that there is so much more to you than how you look.

Sweet thing, you’ve got the smarts. You’ve got the heart. But most of all, you’ve got the love of Jesus Christ in your heart. And THAT is what makes you beautiful. You were created in the image of God, and that is beauty. Your loving heart that is so full of compassion is what we need more of in this world. Don’t worry what some little snot-nosed boy said to you on the playground. It hurts your heart, I could see that in your eyes this morning. You have no idea how bad I want to march up to that little boy tomorrow and give him a piece of this mama’s mind. But I’m sorry, baby. I can’t do that for you.

What I can do is teach you how to love yourself. Love yourself more than the words of someone that knows nothing of you. Remember that every part of you is wonderfully made. And those that have something to say about it have their own issues to deal with. You are amazing. I know because I’m the one that created you, and this mama doesn’t create imperfect beings.

Remember that you are loved. First, by God. Then your family. And finally, the one person you are meant to live with forever in this world. He will be out there and he will love every single thing about you, just as God and your parents do. And the next time some little boy or girl wants to make a comment about how you look, you stand up for yourself and you tell them that you’re beautiful because God says so, and you LOVE the way you look.

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