
About me


Hi there!

I’m Lauren, creator of Sweet Tea Kisses.  My genius husband inspired the name for this blog, since he lovingly stated how much he loves kissing me after I’ve had a sip of sweet tea. (awww, right?)

I am a mom of 3 rambunctious and exciting kiddos that never fail to make me shed some happy tears at the end of every day. We live in northern Alabama, where sweet tea, cows and muddy boots are all part of our everyday lives. We love living here in the south, and as redneck as that sounds, our hearts will never leave.

I love writing about everything from the struggles of life to even school papers. But here at Sweet Tea Kisses, you’ll find that life is a bit more about the unexpected and not what we all wish it was about.

If you have any input about what you want to hear about, send me an email. I would love to connect with you and learn more about what YOU want here.



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